Another good cycling day and I guess because without thinking too hard we had picked a weekend at the end of the school holidays I suppose we competed with family time at Legoland!
But Dave and I met up for a leisurely ride out to Crowthorne for a coffee passing through some rather nice parts of Bracknell using the back roads and cycle ways that Bracknell seem to have got pretty well sorted – reminded me a bit of Milton Keynes which is amazingly cycle friendly.
After coffee and cake we went off towards Henley through some lovely countryside, as soon as you get outside Crowthorne there seems an abundance of wonderful routes to take and it did seems to get the flow of the ride going well.
Coffee stop in Crowthorne
We stopped in Marlow for lunch at the half way point and because it was just the two of us we picked a park with some sandwiches and chilled out for a while, catching up on personal life chats and a bit of business talk – who can resist talking shop even at the weekend! Good place to get some inspiration I think.
Off towards Beaconsfield and back into Windsor with the only real hard climb of the ride.
Another enjoyable day out and looking forward to the next one.
Our next ride is a little less challenging than our last one, this one is a gentle 54 miles, starting at the Cinnamon Cafe in Windsor, down to Crowthorne, up to Henley, then through Marlow & Beaconsfield before returning to the Cinnamon Cafe in Windsor. We are doing this on 6th June meeting at 09:15 and leaving at 09:30. If you can’t do the whole ride you can join us on the route, please email Paul ([email protected]) so we know that you are coming.
Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can have a leisurely ride stopping for lunch in Henley, with Coffee stops in Crowthorne & Beaconsfield, you can see the route here :-
We hope you can join and look forward to seeing you at The Cinnamon Café on the 6th June at 09:15, meeting at The Cinnamon Café, Windsor Central Station.